Candy Elie Graham Using Tech to Diversify Beauty Standards


Candy-Elie Graham started an online e-zine called Fashionista Sista in 2008 to share fashion, hair and beauty inspiration for the Afro Caribbean and Asian diaspora living in the UK.  She started at the time when there was very little online that celebrated cultural beauty with fashion inspiration (tailoring ideas).

However, being very young at the time when she started the Fashionista Sista and found herself feeling overwhelmed. She felt that she didn’t have the skills she needed to run the platform so she walked away from the project in 2009.

Nine years later, whilst on maternity leave, she realised that there still wasn’t an equivalent version of the platform online. She carried out all the necessary research and planning and then birth StylzMag in 2019. A platform where the diaspora across the world can easily find fashion, hair and beauty inspiration and service providers that understand and celebrate their cultural ideals of beauty. Candy has worked on it tirelessly crafting StylzMag – working on the UI design, web testing, preliminary listings, marketing, she did most of it herself as it is a self-funded startup.

In her own words “I’m a little older now, more experienced and really pleased with how it’s been received so far.” Right now she is trying to secure seed investments to expand her team and introduce new features to the platform.

To discover more about StylzMag 

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